Publish date: 14 June 2023

Procurement and Supply Chain colleagues from across Lancashire & South Cumbria (L&SC) met to socialise and build on current working relationships over a series of team building events. This was the first time a get-together on this scale has taken place, as corporate services across our patch are being asked to collaborate and we're proud to see that procurement and logistics are leading the way. 

A team building event to bring everyone together was a fabulous starting point. Colleagues from the LPC were joined by colleagues from University Hospitals Morecambe Bay and Lancashire and South Cumbria FT (previously Lancashire Care).  The intention was to come together, to get to know each other, understand a little more about future plans, and to have some fun.

 It was fantastic to see so many colleagues together and either getting to know each other for the first time or catching up with colleagues they may have worked with across the Lancashire & South Cumbria patch. Over the three sessions, we had over 130 people attend - 70% of the colleagues who were initially invited.